Low-Dose naltrexone
Low Dose Naltrexone is a prescription medication that has been used in natural and alternative health clinics for over two decades.
Low-dose naltrexone has been reported by numerous patients to be helpful in chronic fatigue and chronic pain syndromes.
Low-dose naltrexone has been used in multiple autoimmune, arthritic, and chronic inflammatory conditions including post covid long haul syndrome.
Low-dose naltrexone may also be helpful in preventing these various inflammatory conditions.
May also help with weight control by reducing cravings for food and sugar.
Click https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2TztMYNDss
For an excellent lecture on the mechanism of action of low-dose naltrexone in the treatment and prevention of numerous inflammatory conditions including post covid syndrome by continuing medical education instructor Mobeen Syed, M.D.